Addiction among musicians is not a new development with today’s generation. It has always been a musician thing for as long as it has remained a social vice. As far back as when cocaine just gained momentum, some musicians fell victims to the drug causing death.

The question you may ask is: why is this so? Why is addiction connected with musicians? Several reasons exist to explain the cause of addiction among musicians.

The root cause of addiction is the lifestyle of musicians. It is a type that where proper care is not taken, anyone living such a life, would end up a victim of addiction. What are these reasons?

  • Irregular work schedule:

If you can peep into the lifestyle of any musician, especially the live performers or those on tour, you’d see the instability and uncertainty of it. They work night shifts on some days, have early gigs on some other days. The effect of this is an irregular sleep pattern, a lack of rest, yet, a need to keep going. Hence, they resort to substances to keep them active. Before they know it, they are hooked.

  • Work atmosphere:

Musicians perform in party-like atmospheres where alcohol is surplus and available for everyone. They have access to an unlimited supply of alcohol and in the spirit of the atmosphere, they consume. Imagine where a performer has to perform for five days a week at a bar, he takes the alcohol each of those days and unknowingly, can become addicted.

  • Lack of connection:

There is little or no opportunity to connect with friends and family while working as a musician. Artists are hardly around people they are familiar with who know them personally. For those traveling, the time difference is often a barrier. This lack of connection makes them depend on several substances as a companion.